Ala Mahamoe
Ala Mahamoe, also known as Kioʻo, is located along its namesake street in the community of Moanalua Valley.
In 2018 KMWP began working to clear the area of ridge below the water tank of invasive haole koa (Leucaena leucocephala), kiawe (Prosopis pallida), and Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus).
Time Commitment: 4 hours.
Activity Level: Moderate.
Climate: Dry Forest, limited trade winds, warmer conditions.
Interpretive talk in the native plant garden and lāʻau lapaʻau (medicinal plant) garden and history of the site.
Weeding in the gardens.
Planting native seedlings in the gardens and up in kipuka style plots.
Seed collecting.
Hike up to view vantage points across the ‘ewa and kona mokus.
Through community and volunteer support, this area will be restored to create a Hawaiian cultural garden using species native to dryland forest habitats and those which are important in practices such as lāʻau lapaʻau (traditional Hawaiian medicine).
Volunteer work will focus on small sections at a time and will vary according to the current stage of completion. Possible work may include performing weed control with hand tools, removing debris, laying out weed mat and spreading mulch, and planting native species.

Hydrogel Granules at Ala Mahamoe
See how KMWP did trials to test if hydrogels can help increase survivorship in one of our hotter urban forests, Ala Mahamoe.