The Partners
Landowners and lessees with more than 100 acres of land in the Ko‘olau Mountains watershed are invited to be KMWP Partners
Membership is secured by signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The participation of our Partners is imperative to guide the overall direction and operation of the Partnership. KMWP holds Partner Meetings on a semi-annual basis.
Associate Partners consist of public and private agencies/ organizations that support KMWP in principle and can provide technical expertise and financial or other assistance. Associate Partners are voted on by the Partnership and are able to participate in KMWP programs, projects, and activities; though they are not entitled to vote on Partnership matters.
Partners joining together after a rededication ceremony for the KMWP Memorandum of Understanding in Spring 2023.
Meet Our Partners
City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply
First Presbyterian Church
Hawaiʻi Reserves, Inc.
Waimea Valley (Hiʻipaka LLC)
Kamehameha Schools
Kualoa Ranch
Livable Hawaii Kai Hui
ʻŌhulehule Forest Conservancy LLC
Queen Emma Land Company
Saint Anthony Retreat Center
State Department of Land and Natural Resources
Tiana Partners
UH Mānoa / Lyon Arboretum
US Army
US Fish and Wildlife Service – Refuges
Protect & Preserve Hawaiʻi (Wai Lan Preservation Group LLC)
Landowning Partners
He‘eia National Estuarine Research Reserve
Kahala Hotel and Resort
Malama Maunalua
ʻOhu 'Ohu Ko'olau Inc. / Koʻolau Watershed Foundation
State of Hawaiʻi, DLNR Water Resource Management Commission
State of Hawaiʻi, Department of Health, Clean Water Branch
The Nature Conservancy
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Partners Program
Associate Partners
Partnership In Action
We work closely with our landowning partners on a variety of missions and challenges, organize education events and visits to the watershed, and to perpetuate our shared goals across the Koʻolau.
October 21, 2023 - Albizia workshop for the Kāneʻohe community in collaboration with KMWP Landowning Partner, the First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu, hosted at Koʻolau Ballrooms.
April 18, 2024 - Albizia workshop hosted at Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi for KMWP Associate Partner, Heʻeia National Estuarine Research Reserve, to train their staff on the control and management for albizia.
June 29, 2022 - Workday at the Wiliwilinui Restoration Site with KMWP Associate Partner, Mālama Maunalua staff and interns.
April 30, 2024 - Workday at the Ala Mahamoe Restoration Site with staff from KMWP Landowning Partner, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply, to learn about dryland native forests and remove fire-adapted invasive species.
February 26, 2024 - KMWP staff touring the micropropagation lab at Lyon Arboretum, a Landowning Partner, for a professional development day.
December 12, 2020 - Workday with KMWP Landowning Partner, Protect & Preserve, to celebrate all of the working organizations and partnerships in Pia Valley.
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