Conservation & Policy

Water Conservation

Monitor your water usage and look for ways to reduce it:

  • Take shorter showers.

  • Do full loads of laundry or dishes.

  • Water your lawn or garden in the coolest parts of the day to reduce evaporation. Water less often or use rainwater if possible.

  • Plant gardens according to the climate where you live: gardens with xeriscape plants need less watering in drier climates, while rain gardens with water-loving plants help to catch and infiltrate more water in wetter areas.

Prevent Pollution

  • Reduce your use of garden and household chemicals and properly dispose of any hazardous chemical substances such as motor oil or old medications.

  • Maintain vehicles and septic systems to prevent leaks.

  • Pick up pet waste to keep excess nutrients and bacteria out of water bodies.

Policy - Hawaiʻi Watersheds

Policy - Hawaiʻi Water Regulations


Sign up with the Hawaii State Legislature to review bills and resolutions and submit your written testimony to support state funding for watershed protection projects.